Saturday, February 6, 2010

Nightmare Campus Last Night I Had A Dream Or Should I Say Nightmare....?

Last night I had a dream or should I say nightmare....? - nightmare campus

even in the nightmare that I am at school during lunch and there were two cats on campus, but were not huge cat like a lion or something, only two were provided were as a cat .. 6 meters high, and after them I was scared and ran into a few friends and hid himself in the class, but the cats who come after us, and as the doors of the schools that we break it was so scary .. . Does anyone know an interpretation of this dream?


Anonymous said...

I do not know how I interpret this nightmare, but I know when something frightens us while we sleep, when you wake up, you have to pray that God protects your attacker to humans, animals or demons.

Pray to God and to protect and save what can become

Anonymous said...

If you dream of cats bad luck, and if you do not kill or sight.If your cat attacks you leave, you have enemies who surrender everything to blacken your reputation and you loss of property. However, if you banish do it, you will overcome great obstacles and rise in fortune and fame.

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